Place the pork shoulder in a large bowl and massage in the firehouse BBQ rub until the meat takes on a dark colour from the seasoning. Cover and place in the fridge for an hour or two but preferably over night so the rub infuses into the meat.
Remove the meat from the fridge for an hour or so before cooking and if you have a smoker like myself, pre heat to 140C but if not pre heat the oven to 140C . Whether you are cooking with a smoker or an oven the process will be the same, place the shoulder joint in the centre and leave for 3 hours except with the oven you will need to place the joint into an oven proof dish to catch the juices.
After 3 hours remove the shoulder joint from the smoker/oven and wrap with baking foil, then place back into the oven for a further 2 hours. When you take it out after the 2 hours is up the meat will fall apart, so shred with two forks and pour over a load of firehouse BBQ sauce and enjoy.
Serving suggestions
Try adding thinly sliced apple to some coleslaw with a pinch of Cayenne pepper and serve in a warm brioche roll .
Shred your pork like a bear
LURICO Bear Meat Claws Pulled Pork Shredder BBQ Meat Handler Forks Shredding Carving Forks for Pork, Chicken, Beef, Turkey- Set of 2 (Black)
Buy Bear Claws on ebay from £2.79